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CUE Nelson 陳顯邦
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Professor Nelson Cue, a graduate of Feati University and the University of Washington, joined HKUST in 1989. Before coming to HKUST, Professor Cue taught at the State University of New York in Albany for more than 20 years, the last 6 of which he was also the Department Chairman. At HKUST, he served as the Founding Head of the Physics Department during 1990-97, the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs during 1999-2002, and the Founding Director of the Office of Continuing and Professional Education during 1999-2002. He was appointed the Founding Director of the HKUST College of Lifelong Learning in 2000.
Professor Cue's main research interests included nanostructured materials, surface probe microscopy and technology transfers. Three members of the HKUST Entrepreneurship Program were co-founded by him. He was also engaged facilitating active learning in the classroom and social engineering. In the late 1990s, he led the development of the first universal classroom learning tool called the Personal Response System (PRS) that is now patented in the USA and adopted for campus-wide usage at HKUST and elsewhere. 
Research Areas
Nanostructured materials, surface probe microscopy and technology transfers