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ZHANG Zhaoqing 張昭慶
Tel 2358 7482
Email phzzhang
Professor Zhao-Qing Zhang obtained his BSc degree (1968) from Tunghai University and PhD degree (1974) from the University of Pennsylvania. After his postdoc stay at the Univeristy of Minnesota, he joined the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Science in Beijing, China from 1979-1989, where he was promoted from Associate Research Scientist to Research Scientist in 1986. From 1989 to 1994, Professor Zhang was a visitor at the Exxon Corporate Research Center in New Jersey, USA. He joined the Physics Department of HKUST in 1994 as an Associate Professor and was promoted to Professor in 2004. Professor Zhang had published over 150 journal articles.  He was a recipient of School of Science Teaching Award in 2006.  Currently, he is a member of Editorial Board of Physical Review E.
Research Areas
Many-body theory, fractals, electronic structure and transport in disordered systems, wave propagation and localisation in random media, mesoscopic physics, photonic crystals and band gaps for acoustic and elastic waves, nonlinear photonic crystals, wave dynamics in the localized regime, electromagnetic metamaterials: effective medium theory and cloaking metamaterials for elastic waves and effective medium theory.